This list is for our community to be on notice of which journalists have reported poorly on our community in that they have; misquoted us, out right lied, used polarizing and sensationalist perspectives to get themselves paid and promote the media outlets who publish their swill.
Collection of this information will go a long way to educate our community members about which journalist to stay away from.

Please email info ( AT) espu-ca (DOT) O R G the name of the journalist & link to offending article to be published on this page.

Time Magazine is one of the worst to report on our community and here is why.
The Prostitution Paradox: How One County is Targeting Men Who Buy Sex Charlotte Alter @charlottealter Diane Tsai @diane_tsai Aug. 18, 2015

Here is the original transcript.

The Invisible John Interview About Jane September 30, 2015 by mgd777

First he get’s the title wrong with “legalize Then he stigmatize female workers with
“Assaulted sex workers aren’t likely to go to the police for problems. They’d incriminate themselves in the process of filing a report. Instead, they have to go to their pimps. This causes a violent cycle undetected by the government.”
and he says “#rentboys a site with ” with no history of sex trafficking. ” over + over + over again

Mitchell: Rape case sends mixed messages on prostitution Written By Mary Mitchell Posted: 09/12/2015, 07:45am

Bad Journalists

Carolyn Tyler


Margie Shafer

By Harry Harris Oakland Tribune

Katy Steinmetz

Chip Johnson (I HATE THIS GUY)